
In the 2019 Toddler Nutritional Status Survey, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia was 27.67%. This figure is still above the standards set by WHO should not exceed 20%. (Kemenko PMK )

Together we can reduce that prevalence number of stunting with program Siaga Gizi Balita (Sigibal) or Toodler Nutrition Alert.


1 in 10 house in Indonesia still practice open defecation. (BAPPENAS)

Lets build a healthy toilet for family (Jamban Sehat Keluarga) to keep their
water source clean

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Our Mission

Health problems in Indonesia are still a concern today. Starting from stunting, maternal and infant mortality rates, mortality due to infectious diseases to the uneven availability of health facilities.

Through pratama clinics, ambulance fleets, and health programs (preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative) and with your support, we can create health programs that have an impact – and more importantly, are sustainable – to ensure that health problems are properly resolved especially for those in need, for a better future for Indonesia.


Social Impact

Beneficiary Data on 2020

Health Clinic Beneficiaries

Ambulance Beneficiaries

Public Health Program Beneficiaries

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1. Program Planner

2. Program Implementator

Social Mapping

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2. Program Implementator

Preventive and Promotive

Curative and Rehabilitative

3. Creating Program That Support SDGs

4. Designing Sustainable Program Report


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