With Us,
Be Healthy Indonesia

“We are ready to collaborate in maintaining the health of the Indonesian people”

Indonesia, a country with abundant wealth, consists of a series of thousands of islands from Sabang to Merauke, millions of ethnic groups, to abundant natural resources, flora and fauna. Our commitment as a Health NGO in realizing sustainable health programs so that this rich country can remain healthy, sustainable and prosperous.

anak senyum

Organizational Statement


We believe that health is a human right that should be available to all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status. We are committed to working with all stakeholders to improve public health, and we believe that by working together, we can create a healthier world for everyone.

We, Yayasan Cita Sehat (CSF), are a Health NGO committed to improving public health, especially in Indonesia. We work with governments, other organizations, and individuals to provide access to quality health services, including prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.

Our Real Action

Collaboration of Yayasan Cita Sehat with partners, in implementing superior programs for a healthier Indonesia

Our Focus

We design various health programs with reference to the life cycle, in addition, our program approach is also aligned with health issues that are the focus of the government.


The Excellent Stunting Care program is a flagship program of the Cita Sehat Foundation which is specifically designed to control stunting.

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In addition to focusing on preventive and promotive programs, we also operate as a provider of curative and rehabilitative services with several health services ranging from health clinic networks to health action programs.

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In addressing mental health issues, Cita Sehat Foundation is present with the Gandeng Kawan program, with a series of ongoing activities and the best strategies in knowing mental health conditions to stress release therapy to reduce mental health problems.

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The Excellent Stunting Care program is a flagship program of the Cita Sehat Foundation which is specifically designed to control stunting.

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In addition to focusing on preventive and promotive programs, we also operate as a provider of curative and rehabilitative services with several health services ranging from health clinic networks to health action programs.

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In addressing mental health issues, Cita Sehat Foundation is present with the Gandeng Kawan program, with a series of ongoing activities and the best strategies in knowing mental health conditions to stress release therapy to reduce mental health problems.

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Let’s Show Your Contribution for a Healthier Indonesia!

Everyone can contribute with us in realizing health programs in various ways such as becoming a collaboration partner, joining as a volunteer to donating health assistance.





We at Filantra are very impressed with the performance of Cita Sehat

"In implementing Filantra's program Cita Sehat shows high dedication and professionalism. The Cita Sehat's team works quickly and efficiently, and they always ensure that the beneficiaries get the best results. We are pleased to partner with Cita Sehat and we are confident that this collaboration will have a positive impact on the community."-...

Collaboration YBUMN – Cita Sehat

“BUMN Foundation and Cita Sehat collaborated in the Sanitation program in Janaka Village, Pandeglang Regency in 2023. BUMN Foundation provided infrastructure assistance in the form of clean water pipes and toilets, while Cita Sehat participated in providing education on the importance of Community-Based Total Sanitation and free health checks to...
Bayi lahir prematur dirawat dalam incubator

The rate of premature births in the world is high, what are the conditions in Indonesia?

Premature Babies According to the WHO definition, a premature baby is a baby born alive before the 37th week of gestation (calculated from the first day of the last menstruation). Premature Birth As we all know, mothers generally carry a child for 9 months and 10 days or approximately 40 weeks. In the medical world, the average mother will be...

Our Story For Indonesia

Our Partner