Legal Formal

This principle relates to procedures and ways of implementing the law

The principle of formal legality or also known as the principle of procedural legality or the principle of formal legality is a legal principle that emphasizes the need for clear and definite laws as a basis for government action and law enforcement.

Deed of Establishment

Notary Irma Rachmawati SH., No.44 | dated November 20, 2008 concerning the Establishment of the Indonesian Rumah Sehat Foundation

Recent Foundation Deed Amendment:

Notary: Ajeng Dini Pertiwi, S.H, M.Kn No. 01
Dated May 21, 2024

SP Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia:

No. AHU-AH.01.06-0043460

Risk-based business licensing

NIB 8120013080652



Letter of Determination of LKS West Java Provincial Social Agency


Letter of Determination of LKS Bandung City Social Services



External Policy
Reporting Violations

Cita Sehat is committed to upholding high ethical standards and governance in our work with clients, partners, suppliers, volunteers and the public.

The Whistleblowing Policy is intended to provide a channel for reporting in good faith and with confidence possible violations or wrongdoing. Examples of such actions include:

1. Professional and financial misconduct;
2. Improper, dishonest or unethical behavior;
3. Harassment;
4. Abuse of authority;
5. Conflict of interest;
6. Irregularity or non-compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures;
7. Health and safety in the workplace; and
8. Any other irregularity that may adversely affect Cita Sehat’s reputation

To the extent permitted by law and reasonable, Cita Sehat will keep the identity of the Reporter confidential who makes a report in good faith. If the Reporter is an employee, the policy stipulates that he or she will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and protected from retaliation or abuse to the extent possible.

Data Protection

Cita Sehat (“We” or “CSF”) respects and values ​​the privacy of our clients, partners, donors, volunteers, and prospective employees. We are committed to protecting the Personal Data you provide to us. Please read our Personal Data Protection Privacy Policy (“Policy”) carefully to understand how we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Data.

Implementation of Policy
This policy is based on Indonesian law No.27 of 2022 on Personal Data Protection By providing your Personal Data to CSF, you agree to the terms of this Policy.

Use of Collected Personal Data Depending on your relationship with Cita Sehat (whether as a client, employee, volunteer, prospective employee, etc.), we may use your personal data for the following purposes:

1. Carrying out obligations during or in connection with the provision of services requested by us;
2. Responding to, handling and processing your inquiries, requests, applications, complaints and feedback;
3. Maintaining contact with you;
4. Managing your relationship with us;
5. Human Resources and recruitment purposes;
6. Managing donations, sponsorships & volunteerism;
7. Complying with applicable laws, codes of conduct, or assisting with law enforcement and investigations conducted by regulatory authorities;
8. Any reasonable purpose permitted by applicable law; and/or
9. Any other purposes that We may notify you in writing from time to time, but for which We will require your separate consent.

Disclosure of Personal Data
For Non-Clients (partners, donors, volunteers and prospective employees)
Cita Sehat will maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and will not disclose it to any related or unrelated third party, unless required or permitted by law.

For Client
Cita Sehat is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal data. However, depending on the nature of the client engagement, there may be situations where We discloses your personal data to government, law enforcement authorities, or other relevant third parties (e.g. other government agencies or VWOs) when:

1. It is necessary for the benefit of the individual (such as referral for external services or application of schemes administered by public bodies);
2. Indication and assessment of harm and risk to oneself or others, where disclosure is necessary to ensure the safety and protection of life;
3. Used for evaluative purposes (approval of grants for social and financial assistance, provision of appropriate health services under any scheme administered by a public body;
4. The disclosure is required by law; or is necessary for any investigation or process; and/or
5. Disclosure is permitted under any legal exception under Law No. 27 of 2022

Cita Sehat will maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and will not disclose it to any related or unrelated third party, unless required or permitted by law.