How do we deal with stunting?


The Excellent Stunting Care Program initiated by the Cita Sehat Foundation in the Deli region has been quite successful in reducing the prevalence of stunting. This program includes increasing awareness and education about healthy lifestyles and the importance of nutritional intake for pregnant women and toddlers, as well as providing nutritional interventions by providing animal protein in the form of eggs every day for children under five who are indicated to be stunted. This program was also successful thanks to synergy with various related parties and stakeholders.


Healthy Elderly Movement

Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) implements clinic management with the concept of social enterprise (SE). In contrast to profit-oriented businesses and social-oriented charity concept, SE or social enterprise is a business idea that combines the basic concept of business with the obligation to help the social environment. Within the SE paradigm, our primary goal is to maximize profits to support and benefit the underprivileged.

Mass Circumcision


Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) implements clinic management with the concept of social enterprise (SE). In contrast to profit-oriented businesses and social-oriented charity concept, SE or social enterprise is a business idea that combines the basic concept of business with the obligation to help the social environment. Within the SE paradigm, our primary goal is to maximize profits to support and benefit the underprivileged.

Care For The Disabled


Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) implements clinic management with the concept of social enterprise (SE). In contrast to profit-oriented businesses and social-oriented charity concept, SE or social enterprise is a business idea that combines the basic concept of business with the obligation to help the social environment. Within the SE paradigm, our primary goal is to maximize profits to support and benefit the underprivileged.

Health Alert


Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) implements clinic management with the concept of social enterprise (SE). In contrast to profit-oriented businesses and social-oriented charity concept, SE or social enterprise is a business idea that combines the basic concept of business with the obligation to help the social environment. Within the SE paradigm, our primary goal is to maximize profits to support and benefit the underprivileged.

Healthy Basic Food Supplies


Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) implements clinic management with the concept of social enterprise (SE). In contrast to profit-oriented businesses and social-oriented charity concept, SE or social enterprise is a business idea that combines the basic concept of business with the obligation to help the social environment. Within the SE paradigm, our primary goal is to maximize profits to support and benefit the underprivileged.