Stunting Program January-June 2024
Stunting is a condition of growth failure in children (body and brain growth) due to chronic malnutrition, especially in the first 1000 days of life. Thus, children are shorter than normal children of their age and have delays in thinking. The good news is that stunting can be prevented from an early age, even during pregnancy.
Cita Sehat committed to contributing to reducing stunting rates in Indonesia through the Excellent Stunting Care program. This program not only provides protein intake for children who are growing, but also provides education to the public about the dangers of malnutrition for growing children.

Program Concept
Cita Sehat conducted interventions on 71 children with an age range of 0-59 months
Excellent Stunting Care
January – June 2024
6 Indonesian Cities / Regencies (Pekanbaru, Medan, East Jakarta, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)
Based on data from the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI) in 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is 21.6% (4.7 million toddlers/children aged under five years) in Indonesia experience malnutrition and are categorized as children with stunting. In other words, 1 in 5 children under five in Indonesia suffer from long-term malnutrition.
The most common symptom of stunting seen in children is shorter height compared to children of the same age. Although a child’s body posture is influenced by various factors, stunting indicates a growth delay that requires serious attention.
The Excellent Stunting Care program initiated by the Cita Sehat Foundation is focused on toddlers and parents of toddlers. The interventions provided include:
- Nutrition education for parents of toddlers who are suspected of being stunted
- Providing animal protein in the form of chicken eggs every day for 3 months for toddlers
Program ImplementationHow
During the period January – July 2024, Cita Sehat has assisted 71 children with an age range of 0-59 months in 6 provinces in Indonesia. This activity was held thanks to collaboration with various stakeholders and other parties to carry out this program.
- Nutrition Education
One factor in the high stunting problem in Indonesia is the limited knowledge of mothers about the importance of nutritional intake during pregnancy and nutritional preparation during the first 1000 days of a baby’s life. Apart from providing education about the importance of nutritional intake for babies and pregnant women, the Cita Sehat Foundation also provides education about clean lifestyles, one of which is diligently washing hands with soap and running water every time a toddler eats. This mentoring process was welcomed by the family.
- Providing animal protein
71 toddlers receive animal protein intake in the form of one egg every day with various preparations. Every time they give eggs, the Cita Sehat Foundation team ensures that the 71 toddlers finish the eggs.
Program Results
The Excellent Stunting Care Program which has been running for 1 semester 2024 in the period January – June 2024 has had quite an encouraging impact.
- Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra
Cita Sehat provided intervention to 13 children with stunting status in Sidomulyo Hamlet, Klumpang Kebon Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. At the start of the program intervention, it was noted that 10 of the 13 stunted children also had nutritional status of underweight and very underweight. In the intervention period January – March 2024, Cita Sehat has distributed 1,170 eggs to 13 children. The success of this intervention reached 31% or 4 children’s nutritional status improved from before
- East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
Cita Sehat Foundation assists 8 children with stunting status in Jakarta. At the start of the program intervention, 2 children were recorded as having underweight nutritional status and 2 children with very underweight status. The intervention carried out by Cita Sehat in January – March 2024 resulted in 3 children’s nutritional status improving or a 38% success rate of the program. In that period, Cita Sehat distributed 720 eggs
- Bantul, DI Yogyakarta
Cita Sehat Foundation accompanies 14 children with stunting status in Timbulharjo Village, Sewon District, Bantul Regency, DI Yogyakarta. At the start of the program intervention, 5 children were recorded as having underweight and very underweight nutritional status. The intervention period carried out by Cita Sehat February – April 2024 has distributed 1,260 eggs with a program success rate of 29% or 4 children’s nutritional status improved before the intervention was carried out.
The Excellent Stunting Care Program initiated by the Cita Sehat Foundation in the Suka region has been quite successful in reducing the prevalence of stunting. This program includes increasing awareness and education about healthy lifestyles and the importance of nutritional intake for pregnant women and toddlers, as well as providing nutritional interventions by providing animal protein in the form of eggs every day for children under five who are indicated to be stunted. This program was also successful thanks to synergy with various related parties and stakeholders.
Cita Sehat Foundation hopes to continue to have a positive and real impact on public health throughout Indonesia.

- Contributor: Nendi Permana & Asih Dwi
- Redactor: Susilowati S.Gz