Stunting Program


Indonesia in 2022 became the country with the 2nd highest stunting prevalence in Southeast Asia with a prevalence of 31.8%. This condition results in a high number of children, especially children under 5 years of age, who are stunted, namely more than 7 million children, and 2 million children experiencing wasting conditions (SSGI 2021)

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Program Concept

Cita Sehat Foundation comes with a flagship program “Excellent Stunting Care””

With a series of interventions that are in line with pillars 2, 4 and 5 of the ”5 Pillars of the National Strategy” stunting eradication launched by the government


“Excellent” is Cita Sehat Foundation’s commitment to reducing the prevalence of stunting with a series of activities that are superior, professional, quality and sustainable.




“Stunting” is a health issue that Cita Sehat Foundation is focused on so that no more children experience growth disorders in the early years of life, not only causing height growth disorders, stunting can also decrease brain cognitive function but also makes the child susceptible to diseases as they become adults.