Corporate Social Responsibility in Indonesia
CSR, or corporate social responsibility, is a practice in which companies consider business operations’ social, environmental, and economic impacts and strive to contribute to sustainable development and societal welfare. One of the regulations regarding CSR in Indonesia is Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (PT). This law defines CSR as social and environmental responsibility.
The forms of CSR that companies in Indonesia commonly carry out include the fields of Health, Education, the environment, and community development, as well as culture and the arts.
6 Steps to Establishing Sustainable CSR
Establishing a sustainable CSR program for companies in the health sector is an excellent step to advancing society and the environment. Here are some steps you can take to develop a healthy and sustainable CSR program:
1. Identification of Needs
Conduct research to identify health problems faced by the community in the location closest to the company. Focus on health issues that matter and majorly impact local communities.
2. Connect with the Company Mission
Ensure the CSR program aligns with the company’s mission and values. It will help to gain internal support and increase employee engagement.
3. Strategic Partnerships
Create strategic partnerships with local health organizations, government agencies, or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with expertise and experience in the health sector. This partnership will provide insight into designing programs suitable for residents. This collaboration will also broaden the reach of CSR programs and ensure a targeted and practical approach.
4. Create Preventive and Promotive Health Programs
Sustainability in health can include the promotion of healthy lifestyles and disease prevention to reduce the need for future medical interventions.
When the number of sick people decreases, the waste produced by health services will decrease so that, in the long run, it will impact environmental sustainability. On the other hand, an increasingly healthy population will give birth to a healthy generation that will contribute positively to Indonesia’s development.
How about the curative program?
The primary goal of a health program is to prevent disease and promote health. However, there has always been a need to provide quality health services to individuals who are already ill or suffering from an illness.
Therefore, the middle path that companies can take in making CSR programs in the health sector is to provide shares for the two program approaches.
For example, in the first year, the curative program could become the main program, supported by 10% of the preventive education program. In the second year, the proportion of preventive programs can be increased to 30% of the total program. And so on, until, in one period, CSR programs can only focus on preventative and curative programs.
The following article will explain actual examples of health programs in CSR.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation
Determine indicators that can be used to monitor and evaluate the impact of CSR programs. Regular monitoring and evaluation will assist the company in monitoring program success and identifying opportunities for future improvement.
6. Transparency and Reporting
Prepare a report covering the CSR program’s objectives, activities, and impact on local stakeholders. This report will create trust and allow stakeholders to see the company’s contribution to improving public health.
Companies can adopt these Steps to create Sustainable CSR Programs. Cita Sehat Foundation is ready to provide input and consultation in developing the best program concept for your company.
Susilowati-Cita Sehat Foundation