Addressing Stunting: Cita Sehat Supports 47 Pregnant Women Across 5 Cities. Cita Sehat is taking proactive measures to address the issue of stunting by offering support to 47 pregnant women across five cities. Stunting, a complex and intergenerational nutritional problem, is a prevalent concern in Indonesia, affecting 30.8% of children under the age of five, according to Report on Result of National Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2018. Despite some signs of improvement, the problem persists, particularly in the easternmost and westernmost regions, with East Nusa Tenggara having the highest rate at 42.6%.
The long-term repercussions of stunting on the life cycle are significant. Malnutrition during the early years increases the risk of morbidity and, if chronic, can adversely affect cognitive function, leading to lower intelligence levels. This, in turn, impacts the quality of human resources and raises the likelihood of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in adulthood.
The Importance of Assisting Pregnant Women
Recognizing the critical role of the first 1000 days of life (1000 HPK) in preventing stunting, Cita Sehat has initiated a program targeting pregnant women in underprivileged communities.
The aim is to provide assistance during this crucial phase, starting from the formation of the fetus during pregnancy (270 days) until the child reaches 2 years old (730 days), known as the golden period for children.
Welcoming new family members in economically disadvantaged communities may not always be accompanied by the financial capacity to meet nutritional needs. Pregnant women, who already have greater nutritional requirements than their non-pregnant counterparts, face heightened challenges in these socio-economic groups.
To address this, Cita Sehat has embarked on a program in 2024, assisting 47 pregnant women in Medan, Pekanbaru, North Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya, prioritizing those from vulnerable economic backgrounds.

Cita Sehat Supports 47 Pregnant Women
The well-being and health status of expectant mothers play a crucial role in influencing the well-being of the fetus throughout the two-year breastfeeding period. In response to this concern, Cita Sehat has initiated a program in 2024 to support 47 pregnant women in Medan, Pekanbaru, North Jakarta, Semarang, and Surabaya, with a focus on those facing economic vulnerabilities.
The program encompasses three key interventions for pregnant women:
- Nutrition education during pregnancy
- Health checks involving monitoring Upper Arm Circumference, height and weight, and measuring hemoglobin levels.
- Provision of eggs as a source of animal protein for three months
These interventions are designed to collectively contribute to reducing the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia. The program is scheduled to run for approximately three months, with monthly intensive monitoring to ensure its effectiveness.

Cita Sehat is dedicated to making a significant contribution to the prevention of stunting in Indonesia. Our primary focus is on aiding pregnant women through the provision of education, health assessments, and nutritious food. The implementation of this program is reinforced by the Cita Sehat Clinic, which we operate as a hub for health education and empowerment.