Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

oleh | Jun 15, 2023 | News

Dengue fever, also known as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), is a serious and life-threatening disease if not treated properly. DHF is a significant health problem in Indonesia, with thousands of cases reported each year. This article discusses the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures needed to manage dengue fever.

1. Causes of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito. The following are factors that contribute to the spread of this disease:


a) Favorable Environment for Mosquito Breeding

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes breed in clean, stagnant water, such as bathtubs, buckets, and unmaintained flower pots. Humidity and poor sanitation conditions are important risk factors in the spread of dengue fever in Indonesia.


b) Environmental and Climate Change

Climate change, such as increased temperatures and irregular rainfall, can affect mosquito populations and expand their distribution areas. Increased urbanization and environmental changes can create more ideal breeding conditions for mosquitoes.


c) Behavioral Factors

A lack of public awareness about the importance of maintaining environmental hygiene and vector control can exacerbate the spread of dengue fever. Risky habits, for example, not using mosquito nets when sleeping or not disposing of garbage properly, can also increase the risk of being bitten by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.


2. Symptoms of Dengue Fever


Dengue symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Some common symptoms include:


– Sudden high fever

– Muscle and joint pain

– Severe headache

– Rash on the skin

– Pain behind the eyes

– Nausea and vomiting

– Minor bleeding, such as nosebleeds or bleeding gums


In severe cases, dengue fever can develop into life-threatening dengue shock syndrome. Additional symptoms include a drastic drop in blood pressure, internal bleeding, and organ failure.


3. Prevention and Control of Dengue Fever


Prevention is the key to controlling dengue fever in Indonesia. Here are some steps that can be taken to prevent the spread of this disease:


a) Eliminate Mosquito Breeding Sites

Communities must actively eliminate places that can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, such as stagnant water around the house. Buckets, bathtubs, flower pots, and other containers should be free of stagnant water.


b) Using mosquito nets and repellents

Using mosquito nets when sleeping and applying mosquito repellant on exposed skin can help protect yourself from Aedes aegypti mosquito bites.


c) Raising Public Awareness

Community counseling and education on maintaining environmental hygiene, mosquito nets, and mosquito control can help reduce the risk of spreading dengue fever.


d) Integrated Vector Control

The government and health agencies should integrate effective vector control through fogging activities, larvicides, and biological control.


e) Early Detection and Medical Treatment

Recognizing dengue symptoms quickly and seeking timely medical treatment is very important. Early detection and good treatment can reduce the risk of complications and death.


Webinar About Dengue Fever


Dengue fever is a significant health problem in Indonesia. There needs to be cooperation between the government, health agencies, and the community. Strong prevention efforts, such as vector control, raising public awareness, and early detection, are important steps to reduce the spread of dengue fever and protect public health.


Cita Sehat Foundation is excited to announce an upcoming webinar on Dengue Fever. This informative session aims to raise awareness about the causes, prevention, and treatment of Dengue Fever. Join us to gain valuable insights from renowned experts in the field and learn how to protect yourself and your community from this potentially dangerous disease.

Peran Cita Sehat

Cita Sehat Foudation hadir dalam undangan acara ini pada hari Sabtu 11 Oktober 2024 di Pendopo Kalurahan Bangunharjo.

Cita Sehat Foundation memberikan penjelasan mengenai kontribusi dalam penanganan stunting. Salah satunya yaitu intervensi balita stunting di wilayah Bangunharjo dengan memberikan 1 hari 1 telur. Cita Sehat juga menyelenggarakan kelas edukasi terkait PHBS dan pentingnya protein hewani untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak . Kegiatan ini juga dilengkapi dengan pengukuran antropometri setiap bulan.

Setelah proses intervensi ini, Cita Sehat berhasil dalam meningkatkan berat badan dan tinggi badan pada balita penerima manfaat program. Hal ini berefek pada berkurangnya jumlah anak stunting di desa tersebut. 

Cita Sehat bersama AMSA_Indonesia sosialisasi Stunting


Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mengenai stunting dan gizi khususnya kepada orang tua. Selain itu agar para orang tua memahami pentingnya asupan makanan lengkap terutama protein hewani  untuk tumbuh kembang anak. Kemudian dapat memperbaiki pola asuh dan berbagi semangat dengan sesama ibu.

Diharapkan kolaborasi lintas sektoral ini dapat mendukung program pemerintah untuk menurunkan angka stunting di Indonesia. Cita Sehat juga berharap kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan generasi mendatang.