The Cita Sehat Foundation, through the Pratama Cita Sehat Clinic as its health empowerment center, has recently achieved a significant milestone by obtaining “PARIPURNA” clinic accreditation status.
The clinics that succeeded in obtaining plenary accreditation were the Cita Sehat Pratama Inpatient Clinic in Surabaya and the Cita Sehat Pratama Clinic in Yogyakarta and the Cita Sehat Pratama Clinic in Semarang which received Main status.
This plenary status is a symbol of the commitment of health workers in providing quality health services to the community.
Cita Sehat Clinic has now been recognized nationally for meeting the stringent standards set by accreditation bodies for its dedication to patient safety and high-quality care.
The Cita Sehat Foundation has been overseeing the accreditation process for Cita Sehat Clinics in Surabaya, Yogyakarta and Semarang since mid-2023. This assistance process includes the formation of accreditation teams at centers and clinics, the process of tidying up documents, improving infrastructure and monitoring and evaluating developments.
The accreditation preparation team at the clinic is led by the Doctor in Charge of the Clinic and the Clinic Manager, each of whom has predetermined duties and authority.
All medical personnel on duty at the clinic also fully support and participate in this accreditation process. This is characterized by regular coordination meetings held to carry out a continuous improvement process.
The central team tasked with accompanying and providing direction is guarded by the Clinic Management Department team.

The accreditation of Pratama Clinic Surabaya and Yogyakarta was carried out almost simultaneously, namely on 19-20 December 2023 for Pratama Cita Sehat Clinic Yogyakarta and 20-21 December 2023 for Pratama Inpatient Clinic Cita Sehat Surabaya. Meanwhile, the Semarang Cita Sehat Clinic will be completed on November 10-11 2023.
The accreditation surveyor for the Pratama Inpatient Cita Sehat Clinic in Surabaya is the Lipa Mitra Nusa Accreditation Institute, represented by Abd Halim, SKM, MMKes and dr. Rita Wahyuningsih while for the Yogyakarta Clinic it is Laskesi (Indonesian Health Facilities Accreditation Institute) represented by Drg Dewi Puspita and Sri Purwaningsih SKep Ners MSc FISQua. The Cita Sehat Semarang Clinic itself was surveyed directly by Lapklin (Indonesian Clinic and Laboratory Health Center Accreditation Institute) chaired by Dr. Agil Priambodo, M. Biomed., Sp. KKLP. and member dr. Melisa Anggar Fitiani.
The three accreditation agencies are independent organizations responsible for evaluating and certifying health care facilities based on predetermined criteria.
This accreditation process was carried out over 2 days. The first day was carried out using the online method, namely through a zoom meeting which aimed to evaluate the Standard Operational Procedures document and its derivative assessment elements. The second day was carried out offline, namely the surveyor visited each clinic to inspect the facilities, infrastructure and implementation of standard operational procedures which had been explained online the previous day.
Achieving Plenary Clinic Accreditation status reflects the compliance of Pratama Cita Sehat Clinic Yogyakarta and Pratama Inpatient Clinic Surabaya with strict guidelines and best practices in health services. This includes medical services, patient safety, infection control, governance and overall clinic management.

Cita Sehat Foundation give appreciation to the entire team involved in the clinical accreditation process, namely
- dr. Rynda Kirana Satwikaputri as the Doctor in Charge of the Clinic and Dwi Yuliani S.Kep as Clinic Manager along with the entire Cita Sehat Surabaya Inpatient Pratama Clinic team;
- dr. Sashia Rezky as the Doctor in Charge of the Clinic and Ratna Kusumaningsih SKM as the Clinic Manager as well as the entire Pratama Cita Sehat Yogyakarta Clinic team; as well as
- dr. Thina Maulida as the Doctor in Charge of the Clinic and Ahadiyah Fitriani SKM as the Clinic Manager as well as the entire Semarang Pratama Clinic team.
This appreciation is also given to the Clinic Management Department team, namely
- Asih Dwi S S.Kepas Internal Control and Accreditation System
- Nendi Permana as Clinic Support, as well
- Dalilah Salsabila S.Pd as Marketing Support
who have helped and supported the Pratama Cita Sehat Clinic accreditation process.
Susilowati S.Gz – Clinic Management Department Head