Impact Program: Cita Sehat Overcome Stunting in Gunung Kidul

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Our Activity

Stunting Program Impact Report

Stunting is a health issue that is a national priority. Based on the results of the 2022 Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is still at 21.6%. This figure is still a big PR for Indonesia if it wants to achieve Zero Stunting by 2030.

As a form of commitment to making Indonesian society healthy, Cita Sehat contributes to reducing stunting rates in various regions. One of them is the toddler intervention in Yogyakarta Province in 2023.

This program takes place based on the synergy of various stakeholders at the implementation location, namely the Head of Krambil Sawit Hamlets, Pringwulung Village, Kec. Saptosari and the beneficiary families.

Pengentasan stunting oleh Cita Sehat di Gunung Kidul

Program Concept


Cita Sehat focused the intervention on toddler Z, who at the start of the intervention was 27 months old.


One Day One Egg

Period When

7 August – 19 October 2023


Krambil Sawit Hamlets, Pringwulung Village, District. Saptosari, Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta


Stunting can be identified through 2 indicators, namely the child’s length/height compared to the child’s age. If a child is less than 2 standard deviations, then the child can be called stunted.

WHO predicts that as many as 127 million children under five in the world will experience stunting in 2025 if it is not prevented now (WHO. Global Nutrition Targets 2025: Stunting Policy Brief, 2018. WHO/NMH/NHD/14.3).

Cita Sehat contribute to alleviating stunting in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in remote areas of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Toddler Z became one of the program beneficiaries starting from a report from a student group conducting KKN in Gunung Kidul which stated that toddler Z was stunted. Receiving the report, Cita Sehat immediately came to the location and carried out another survey on the toddler’s condition.

The Cita Sehat team, represented by the Pratama Cita Sehat Yogyakarta Clinic team, then provided assistance to toddler Z and his family for approximately 3 months.

This program is carried out after obtaining approval from the beneficiary families.

Program ImplementationHow

Assistance for Toddler Z is carried out using 2 approaches, namely

  • Family social assistance as toddler Z closest circle
  • One Day One Egg: giving animal protein in the form of eggs every day.

Social Assistance

This assistance begins with an assessment of the family’s living conditions and an open discussion with the family. From this process it was discovered that the living conditions of toddler Z were not conducive to his growth and development, characterized by a large amount of dust in the house and very poor air ventilation and light.

The companion provides education to the family so that they can clean the house regularly every day. The companion also taught toddler Z’s mother to regularly wash her hands using soap and running water every time toddler Z wanted to eat.

One Day One Egg

Toddler Z gets animal protein intake in the form of one egg with various preparations every day or what is called a program one day one egg. Every time an egg is given, the staff ensures that Toddler Z finishes the egg.

Program facilitators also have a daily checklist as a form of control over program effectiveness.

Program Results

The stunting intervention program in Gunung Kidul, which has been running for approximately 3 months, has had an encouraging impact. At the start of the intervention, Toddler Z was detected to be very underweight (WW/U) and very short (TB/U). Not only in terms of height and weight, Toddler Z also looked lethargic and had scaly skin when the Cita Sehat team visited him.

At the end of the program period, Toddler Z, who is now 30 months old, showed significant changes, namely his weight increased by 1.6 kg and his height increased by 14 cm.

Based on PMK No. 2 2020, Toddler Z’s status at the end of the program has changed to normal (TB/U) and underweight (BB/U).

In physical and social observations, Toddler Z also showed changes in attitude, namely becoming happier and more active.

Toddler Z family also expressed their gratitude to the Cita Sehat team who accompanied Toddler Z so that his health status became better than before.

program intervensi stunting di gunung kidul oleh cita sehat
Program intervensi stunting di gunung kidul, Yogyakarta

Program Contributor

  • Person In Charge: Wini Rizki Astuti SKM
  • Clinic Manager Yogyakarta: Ratna Kusumaningsih SKM
  • Clinic Management Dept Head: Susilowati S.Gz