
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Invitation by IMERI UI

Cita Sehat Cita Sehat attended an invitation to the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) organized by IMERI UI and the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), on Monday, March 20th, 2023, via Zoom meeting.
This FGD aims to gather information regarding implementing and financing health promotion and disease prevention as material for formulating the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2025-2029 currently being carried out by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. These measures are essential for improving the overall health and well-being of the population in Indonesia.
This forum enables the participation of various parties related to health policy, such as the government, medical personnel, public health experts, academics, community organizations, and the private sector. Through these discussions, Bappenas can gather diverse perspectives from various stakeholders. This forum also helps ensure that the resulting health policies reflect the different views and needs in society.

Cita Sehat Perspective

There are two essential points discussed in this FGD. The first point is health promotion and disease prevention activities in the community as well as the potential for government and private collaboration. The second one is financing of health promotion activities and disease prevention in the community.
As the Clinic Department Head, Cita Sehat Foundation, represented by Susilowati, S.Gz, presented the study points from an NGO or Non-Governmental Organization perspective.
“It is an honor for Cita Sehat to be one of the NGO representatives focused on health to fulfill this FGD invitation. We hope that the results of this afternoon’s warm discussion can become important input in the formulation of the 2025-2029 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN),” she stated.
Apart from Cita Sehat, several other invited participants were Health Education and Promotion (HEP) Indonesia, Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiative (CISDI), and PT Danone Indonesia.
By involving various stakeholders through FGDs, health policy can become more inclusive, comprehensive, and evidence-based. This FGD helps ensure that these policies are more relevant, practical, and successful in addressing the health challenges faced by the Indonesian people.