Bandung, (4/16). Cita Sehat Foundation received an audience from the West Java Provincial Health Office on Friday, April 16th, at 13.30 WIB.
The West Java Health Office, represented by three officers, was warmly welcomed by the Director of Healthy Cita, Mr Arif Taat Ujiyanto and Partnership Div. Head of Cita Sehat, Vilino Melda Sitepu.
“Thank you to Cita Sehat for opening up opportunities for synergy. With the presence of NGOs such as Cita Sehat, we hope that more collaborations will be formed to achieve public health,” dr Luqman Yanuar Rachman, M.P.H, Head of the Section for Health Financing and Health Insurance at the West Java Provincial Health Office.
This time, the audience also discussed the views and health problems in Indonesia, particularly in West Java and opportunities for collaboration.
“We talked a lot about overcoming health problems, of course. In the future, there will also be a plan for joint synergy in the context of collaborative efforts to create better public health, “said Mr Arif.