
Fidyah Prevent Stunting

Survey on the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in 2019, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia was recorded at 27.67%. This figure is still above the standard set by WHO which should not exceed 20%. (Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture)

Together we can reduce the stunting percentage by sharing the "fidyah to prevent stunting" donation package

Photo Caption: one of the beneficiaries of the WASH program in the Banten Region

lebaran lansia

Healthy Eid Package for the Elderly

The elderly are a vulnerable group that must receive more attention, in the natural process the signs or characteristics of the elderly are accompanied by a decline in physical, psychological and social conditions that interact with each other.

Together with your heart, bring back the smiles of the elderly by donating "Healthy Eid Packages for the Elderly"

Photo Caption: one of the beneficiaries of the CSF program for deprived elderly people in 2023

iftar kelas 3

Iftar for Class III Patient Companions

It is not uncommon for the health condition of the patient's companion to be forgotten, amidst irregular sleeping hours so that nutritional intake when breaking the fast must be maintained.

Together we maintain the nutritional intake of companions for class III patients with a donation package "iftar for companions for class III patients"

Photo Caption: One of the beneficiaries of the May 2023 Iftar program

pasien anak

Eid Gifts for Pediatric Patients

The happiness of the Eid holiday must be felt by the whole community, including pediatric patients who are suffering from disabilities and chronic diseases such as cancer

Kepedulian kami terhadap pasien anak, mengajak anda untuk memberikan kebahagiaan bersama melaluli “hadiah lebaran untuk pasien anak”

Photo Caption: one of the beneficiaries of the CSF program for a child with disabilities (deaf)

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Our Mission

Cita Sehat Foundation NGO kesehatan ndi Indonesia

We believe that health is a basic human right that should be available to everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status.

We are committed to working with all parties who have a stake in improving public health, and we believe that by working together, we can create a healthier world for everyone.

Cita Sehat Foundation (CSF) is a Health Based – International NGO which is committed to improving the health and welfare of society, especially in Indonesia. We work and collaborate with governments, other organizations, academics and individuals to provide access to quality health services, including promotion, prevention, curative and rehabilitation efforts.

Our Impact Throughout Indonesia

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