Community Based Total Sanitation (STBM) is still a problem in Indonesia, where there are 5 main pillars in optimizing STBM, namely:

  • Stop open defecation (Stop BABS)
  • Wash hands with soap (CTPS) with running water
  • Household drinking water management (PAM-RT)
  • Household waste management
  • Management of household liquid waste.

STBM concentration in efforts to reduce penyakit berbasis lingkungan is the focus of the Ministry of Health, in Indonesia the habit of defecating or STBM pillar 1 is still widely practiced by the community, where this habit is said to have become a culture and comfort for the community. One of the areas where there are still many cases of defecation is Banten Province,

Based on this phenomenon, Cita Sehat Foundation dan Yayasan BUMN working together to eradicate the habit of open defecation, with a target location in Janaka Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province, where the BUMN Foundation first built a pipeline for distributing water from springs and public toilet facilities. In order to optimize this development, the Cita Sehat Foundation plays a role in providing STBM Education and Free Health Services.

1. STBM education

STBM education was given to 50 residents who were the targets of the education, consisting of 10 representatives of youth organizations, 15 representatives of health cadres, 15 representatives of heads of families who did not have toilets at home, and 10 representatives of local RW heads.

The STBM education series begins with registration and distribution of STBM modules from the Cita Sehat Foundation, followed by participants completing a pre-test which is intended to illustrate the initial knowledge of the Janaka Village community regarding STBM. The pre-test lasts for 20 minutes. The STBM education provided by Mr. Mamak Jamaksari, M.Kes was focused on pillar 1 of BABS and pillar 3 of PAM-RT.

A. Pilar 1 STBM (BABS)

In pillar 1 of BABS, the discussion begins with the understanding and history of the formation of the STBM program from the government, then approaches the causes of BABS by appointing several participants to give reasons why they still practice defecation. After hearing the reasons mentioned, the educational participants are given knowledge about the negative impacts of defecation. careless on the environment and health. Before continuing education on pillar 3, education participants were given STBM mapping practice activities which were packaged in an interesting way, where education participants were divided into several groups and given several teaching aids.

B. Pilar 3 STBM (PAM-RT)

STBM education pillar 3 household drinking water management (PAM-RT) became the second session in STBM education, where based on the laboratory results of water which is a source of consumption for the community in Janaka Village, there were still >1000 colonies/100ml of Coliform bacteria and as many as Escherichia coli. 5 colonies/100ml, this water cannot be drunk directly by residents, so in pillar 3 of PAM-RT the presenters from the Cita Sehat Foundation focus on good and correct water treatment steps to avoid diseases caused by bacteria found at the source that water.

At the conclusion of the STBM education, participants were given a post test to measure the success of the education by increasing knowledge. Apart from that, there were several door prizes distributed for the question and answer session and participants with the highest post test results.

2. Free Health Services

Free health examination services are intended for 150 residents of Janaka Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. where the health service concept consists of 5 tables.

  • Table 1, Registration & Medical Records
  • Table 2, TTV examination by the nurse
  • Table 3, Follow-up Consultation by Doctor
  • Table 4, Metabolic Check
  • Table 5, Drug Depot

Apart from services at health posts, health service workers from Cita Sehat visit the homes of residents who cannot walk but need health services.

With the involvement of the Cita Sehat Foundation in the BUMN Foundation’s Love of Homeland Program, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact and optimize the use of public toilet facilities from the BUMN Foundation by the community in Janakan Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province.

Muhammad Rakha Almmughni – Cita Sehat Foundation
