Stunting Intervention in Yogyakarta with One Day One Egg

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Our Activity

Stunting Program Impact Report

In the midst of the nutritional challenges faced by society, Cita Sehat has made a significant contribution through the “one day one egg” program. This program not only provides protein intake for children who are growing, but also provides education to the public about the dangers of malnutrition for growing children.

One of the villages that is the focus of this program intervention is the village of Bibis Timbulharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta. Cita Sehat collaborates with various stakeholders and other related parties to implement the “one day one egg” program

Pengentasan stunting oleh Cita Sehat di Gunung Kidul

Program Concept


Cita Sehat intervened with 15 toddlers


One day one egg


February – April 2024


Dusun Bibis Timbulharjo Sewon Bantul


Stunting is a growth disorder that occurs in children under 5 years of age and has an impact on their physical growth. Some people may not be familiar with this term, but cases of stunting often occur in Indonesia.

Stunting is a child health problem resulting from poor nutrition, especially if it lasts for a long period of time. The causative factor can come from malnutrition in pregnant women or during the child’s growth period.

The most common symptom of stunting seen in children is shorter height compared to children of the same age. Although a child’s body posture is influenced by various factors, stunting indicates a growth delay that requires serious attention.

Cita Sehat contributes to alleviating stunting in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is in the Sewon area, Bantul Yogyakarta. There are 15 toddlers who are beneficiaries of the One Day One Egg program.

The Cita Sehat team, represented by the Pratama Cita Sehat Yogyakarta Clinic team provided assistance to 15 toddlers and their families during February – April 2024. This program was carried out after obtaining approval from the beneficiary families.

Program ImplementationHow

The intervention carried out by the Cita Sehat Yogyakarta Clinic team was carried out in 2 ways of assistance, namely:

  • Family social assistance as the closest person to 15 toddlers
  • One Day One Egg: giving animal protein every day


Social assistance

Social assistance began with an assessment of the families of 15 toddlers. After the assessment was carried out, the Cita Sehat Yogyakarta Clinic team provided education about the dangers and ways to prevent stunting in children. This assistance also provides education about clean living, one of which is diligently washing hands using soap and running water every time the toddler eats. This mentoring process was welcomed by the family.


One Day One Egg

15 Toddlers receive animal protein intake in the form of one egg every day with various preparations. Every time an egg is given, the Cita Sehat Clinic team will ensure that the 15 toddlers finish the egg.

Program Results

Intervention program stunting in the village of Bibis Timbulharjo Sewon Bantul Yogyakarta which has been running for 3 months in the period February – April 2024. This program has had quite an encouraging impact, namely

  • All 15 toddlers experienced an increase in height during the program period.
  • From the results of the interventions carried out, as many as 27% of toddlers who initially experienced stunting managed to achieve normal nutritional status..
  • A total of four toddlers who received the intervention experienced weight gain, which resulted in a change in their nutritional status from underweight to normal.
  • A total of 3 toddlers experienced weight loss during the intervention period due to illness.

The family expressed gratitude to the team Cita Sehat who has accompanied his toddler so that his health status is better than before.