
1 of 3 Indonesian Teenagers Have Mental Health Problems

*Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (I-NAMHS, October 2022)

Based on the results of the Indonesia National Adolescent Mental Health Survey (I-NAMHS, October 2022), as many as one in three adolescents aged 10-17 years in Indonesia have had mental health problems in the last 12 months. That number is equivalent to 15.5 millions teenagers in the country.

Teenagers’ mental health issues significantly impact their overall well-being and development.

Recognizing the urgent need for intervention and support, Cita Sehat Foundation initiated “Gandeng Kawan” (Hand in Friends) a mental health awareness program tailored explicitly to teenagers. The entire program is conducted in a relaxed communication style that suits teenagers.

Our program aims to address the stigma associated with mental health, provide essential information about common mental health challenges, and equip teenagers with coping mechanisms and resources to promote their well-being.


This program aims to increase knowledge and understanding about mental health in teenagers through education in schools. Cita Sehat hopes they can maintain their mental health and fulfill their activities more positively and productively.

Case Study

Case study conducted with the aim of assessing the program’s impact on beneficiaries.

The program impact measurement carried out using a questionnaire contains multiple choice and true-false questions. Each program participant fills out the questionnaire provided along with the required identification.

All questionnaire data will go through a validation process to maintain the program impact assessment in accordance with implementation in the field.

The following are the results of the impact of the Gandeng Kawan program in one of the junior high schools in Bandung City.



From the data analysis presented above, it can be concluded that:

  • Hand in friends (Gandeng Kawan) has had a significant impact on increasing knowledge regarding the issue of anxiety disorders.
  • Increased adolescent knowledge by 13% in measurements before and after program intervention.

Educated Teenagers


Increased Knowledge of Program Participants

Sinergy Opportunity

Early intervention and promoting mental health literacy can have a lasting positive impact on the lives of teenagers.

Supporting our mental health awareness program would contribute significantly to addressing this critical issue and ensuring the next generation’s well-being.

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