
Health Programs

Healthy Family Toilet


Did you know, the facts shows that only 7 out of 10 house in Indonesia have access to proper sanitation. In addition, 1 in 10 house still practice open defecation, because they aren’t have a defecation facility.

Sanitation is very important to support people’s lives. Every community activity in their daily lives requires good sanitation. However, not all people can provide and manage their sanitation properly, this is reinforced based on BAPPENAS statistics, access to basic sanitation in Indonesia until 2019 has only reached 77.44% of the 2024 target, which is 90%. (data source: Susenas 2019 processed by BPN / Bappenas)

Program Description

Jamban Sehat Keluarga is an empowerment program based on environmental health and provides environmental health facilities, it is a proper latrines according to the standard for those in need.


  • Creating an ODF (Open Defecation Free) community


  • Poor families in the fostered area

Implementation Location

Fostered area of Cita Sehat or adjustable

Family Healthy Toilet Package :
Rp 1.700.000/package or Rp 50.000 (split bill)

(Toilet, Material, Builder)

Family Healthy Toilet Package :
Rp 1.700.000/package atau
Rp 50.000 (split bill)

(Toilet, Material, Builder)

(Unique Code for Donation : 093)