
Our Expertise

1. Program Planner

Social Mapping

Social mapping is conducted as a community empowerment model in order to provide an overview of social issues, vulnerable groups and potentials.

Roadmap Program

A systematic program plan regarding the enactment of the program within a certain period of time, by using mapping, analyzing and organizing the program collectively.

2. Program Implementator

Preventive and Promotive

An activity to prevent a disease and a series of health promotion related activities, through programs such as Car(e) forTeens, Sedekah Sampah, Gizi Masyarakat (Community Nutrients), Gerakan Lansia Sehat (Healthy Elderly Movement), Siaga Gizi *Balita (Nutrition Alert for Toddlers) and Khitanan (Circumcision).

Curative and Rehabilitative

Health treatments that are brought to prevent more severe diseases through medical treatment and recovery through health action programs such as Health Car(e), free ambulances, medical examination and dental care at Pratama clinic.

3. Creating Program That Support SDGs

4. Designing Sustainable Program Report

An activity that is performed to support sustainable development in synergy with corporate and government agencies such as posyandu (Integrated Healthcare Center) revitalization program, reforestation, disaster respon, community empowerment and other programs.

4. Designing Sustainable Program Report

A program implementation report that is compiled based on the results and impacts of activities in the community as well as an overview for the program maintenance at a later date.