

Based on UNICEF data, 1 in 4 girls in Indonesia never received information about menstruation before experiencing their first menstruation.

The Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) in 2017 shows that 1 in 5 girls do not know that menstruation is a sign that they are physically able to get pregnant.

IDHS 2017 also shows that 1 in 5 girls in Indonesia experience difficulties in accessing or purchasing sanitary napkins, and 1 in 10 feel embarrassed and lack privacy in accessing menstrual sanitation facilities.


Cita Sehat Foundation provides education to schools with the aim of educating children and teenagers about reproductive health and the dangers of promiscuity among teenagers through “Care For Teens”.

Program Concept

Care for Teenagers is a program launched as a form of concern for the problems of Indonesian teenagers.

This program seeks to increase the health knowledge of Indonesian adolescents, especially regarding sexual education and the dangers of anemia in adolescents.

Activities carried out using face to face lecture/seminar methods, discussions and simulations. The education process is supported by audio, visual, and video.

In this program, teenagers get

  1. Adolescent health education (sexual education) includes puberty classes (for elementary school age children) and reproductive health (for junior high school age children)
  2. Simulation how to use menstrual pad 
  3. Simulation recognizing the differences in fluids originating from the reproductive organs: urine, blood and sperm.
  4. Healthy nutritious food packages

Case Study

Care For Teens case study conducted with the aim of assessing the program’s impact on beneficiaries.

The program impact measurement carried out using a questionnaire contains up to 10 multiple choice questions. Each program participant fill out the questionnaire provided along with the required identification.

All questionnaire data will go through a validation process to maintain the program impact assessment in accordance with implementation in the field.

The following are the results of the impact of the Care For Teens program on one of the state schools in Bandung Regency.


From the data analysis presented above, it can be concluded that

  • Care For Teens program has a significant effect on increasing reproductive health knowledge in children and adolescents.
  • Increased knowledge of children and adolescents by 30% in measurements before and after program intervention.
edukasi kesehatan reproduksi anak dan remaja di indonesia

Program Impact

Educated children & teenagers


Increased Knowledge of Program Participants



Synergy Opportunities

Cita Sehat Foundation designed Care For Teens as a program that can accommodate promotive and preventive health services for teenagers. It is hoped that this program can help prevent and protect teenagers from risky sexual behavior.

Care For Teens is also expected to be a foundation in preparing teenagers to live a healthy and responsible reproductive life which includes physical, psychological and social preparation for marriage and becoming parents at a mature age.

Cita Sehat Foundation invites all parties to improve the health status of Indonesian children and adolescents through Care For Teens.

We believe Care For Teens is a small step towards creating a healthier and more productive future generation for the nation.

Your donation will contribute to increasing reproductive health knowledge among Indonesian children and adolescents.

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