
Health Program

Nutrition Alert for Toddlers


Common nutritional problem in toodlers in Indonesia are divided into 3 field, there is stunting, wasting and underweight.

Riskesdas 2018 shows stunting (height for under-standard age) in children is the most common form of malnutrition in Indonesia which affects 30.8% of children under five. Although there are indications of improvement, the stunting rate remains high in the eastern and westernmost regions of Indonesia with the lowest rate of 17.7% in DKI Jakarta and the highest rate of 42.6% in East Nusa Tenggara.

Waste (underweight for height) is also a major nutritional challenge affecting 10.2% of children under five. Children who were underweight had an 11.6 times greater risk of death than well-nourished children and those who survived throughout life could continue to have developmental problems in their lives.

Underweight, which reflects either stunting or losing, affects 17.7% of children under five.

In dealing with the nutritional problems mentioned above, handling the nutrition of children under five is very important to be done together in order to end the nutrition problem in Indonesia, especially among children.

Program Description

Nutrition alert for toddlers is an empowerment program in compliance the nutritionally balanced need on toodlers through a family approach.


  • Knowing the condition of children’s nutrition problems earlier
  • Reducing the prevalence of malnutrition among children under five
  • Improving family’s knowledge about the importance of nutrition among children under five


  • Toodlers in fostered area
  • Family in fostered area
  • Kader Posyandu (Professional revolutionaries) in fostered area

Implementation Location


Nutrition Alert for Toddler Package :
Rp 30.000/Package

(Milk, Biscuit, Fruit)

(Unique Code for Donation : 092)